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July 2014

The Daily Colonist, August 1, 1914

The news out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- The front page is covered with maps and speculation about the war, but hidden away on the second-to-last page is what would be a giant headline today: the New York Stock Exchange is closed to prevent panic trading due to war fears.


The Daily Colonist, July 31, 1914

News from Victoria on this day in 1914 (exactly 53 years before I was born):
- Austria has taken Belgrade
- Large pictures of Emperor William II and Emperor Nicholas II (it's interesting the German king does not get called "Kaiser Wilhelm" until after the war starts) that really should have the headline "Inbred Cousins to Decide if Millions Die."
- Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Minister, is overheard in private conversation outside Parliament saying that if war breaks out, it could last for 20 years. 

The Daily Colonist, July 30, 1914

The news out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Talks between Russia and Germany are at an impasse
- Russia is massing troops on the Austrian border to aid Serbia
- Germany is preparing to back up Austria
- Austria is shelling Belgrade
- Serbians are blowing up their own bridges to slow down the Austrians
- Fighting in the Mexican Revolution of 1910 continues [and will continue for another three years]

The Daily Colonist, July 29, 1914

Today's news from 100 years ago out of Victoria:
- Austria has officially declared war on Serbia
- Austrian citizens in the prairie provinces are asked to contact the Austrian consulate Winnipeg to find out if they have been drafted
- Russia announces that they won't go to war if Germany doesn't
- A 10-year-old boy in Bella Coola is mauled by a cougar

The Daily Colonist, July 28, 1914

Lead news in the Colonist on this day in 1914 was about Irish republicans rioting. The first armed clash between Austria and Serbia that now, with hindsight, marks the beginning of WW I, is just a far away border skirmish, and there is still hope that full-scale war can be avoided...

The Daily Colonist, July 27, 1914


In the paper 100 years ago:

[Gothic BC] New Site Update for July 24, 2014

New site updates since the June 28, 2014 update

This is both a major and a minor update. Minor in the sense that there haven't been any changes to end-user functionality, but major in the sense that a lot of work went into the back-end this month.

[Gothic BC] Ophelia Overdose

Check out this cool composite Ophelia Overdose made from some of the photos I took for Gothic BC of her on stage at the Sin City 13-year Anniversary.

[ Reposted from my blog on Gothic BC #GothicBC ]

Ophelia Overdose

Check out this cool composite Ophelia Overdose made from some of the photos I took for Gothic BC of her on stage at the Sin City 13-year Anniversary.
