The real 27 Wimpole Street, London (Google Maps) Who knows what movie I’m watching for the who-knows-how-manyᵗʰ time?
ORBIT 10: An Anthology of New Science Fiction Stories Edited by Damon Knight, 1972 G. P. Putnam’s Sons, US, 1972
The 1988 Annual World’s Best SF Edited by Donald A. Wollheim, 1988 DAW Books Inc., US, 1988 ex libris signature on first leaf: “Ralph F. Barrick”
A Treasury of Great Science Fiction Volume 2 Edited by Anthony Boucher, 1959 Doubleday & Co., US, 1959
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume Two A Edited by Ben Bova, 1973 Doubleday & Co., US, 1973
Have Space Suit - Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein, 1958 Atheneum Books, US, reprint 1995
History of the Motor Car Marco Matteucci, 1970 Octopus Books, UK, 1975 reprint printed in Italy ex libris signature: “Ralph Barrick”
A Pictorial Story of Railways Editor: E. L. Cornwell, 1974 Hamlyn Publishing, UK, 1974 Printed in Italy
World Trade Center: The Giants That Defied the Sky Peter Skinner, 2002 White Star, IT, 2002 updated edition
When you order a cat from Wish…