The Book of Old Ships (and Something of Their Evolution and Romance)
Illustrated by Gordon Grant, 1924
Text by Henry B. Culver, 1924
Bonanza Books, US, reprint 1974
Yesterday I found that Vidma had tucked herself in a ridiculously cute way so I grabbed my phone for a picture which Malenky suddenly decided he needed to walk across her to photo-bomb.
Iz mah job.
Recording musicians last November playing from a glow in the dark graphical score composed in response to work created by an artist (Josèfa Ntjam, “Luciferin Drop”, 2020) created as part of an artists’ residency in an asyropartical physics lab 2km under the Sudbury meteor crater. I’m at the far right (and this is the only context the words “far right” ever apply to me.)