I spent last night removing, counting the LJ & DJ entries I switched to friends-only, about 2500 pages from my websites. The GothicBC photogallery is toast. It creeped me out to no end that Reptard spent a couple hours looking at pictures of
dj_epine after running into her at Spartacus. There are other liabilities, too. Mostly to do with Sin City on the GothicBC site. The fetish scene never was my bag anyway. If it wasn't for
cheekydevil asking me to take pictures I never would have gone. Now that it's taken off to the point it has, it has it's own momentum. My pictures aren't going to make any difference one way or another anymore. I'm going to present a more professional front on my personal site and get going with promoting my artwork. It's time to grow up a bit and put some of the cyberpunk and club-kid stuff aside.