From reptoid@h... Thu May 30 14:19:01 2002
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Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 21:18:57 -0000
To:, reptoid@h...,
Subject: LINK: A discourse on the Reptilian Brain. We ARE the Reptilian brains!
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X-Yahoo-Profile: reptoid_27From: ** TAL **
Subject: A discourse on our Reptilian Brain. DRACs are alive and well
inside Human Brains. We are the new REPTILIANS !
Excerpts :
Some basic facts about the evolutionary development of the triune
brain must be understood in order to apprehend the senseless descent
of our culture into the abyss of darkness.The destruction of the American dream is well under way. It is
mostly the result of a few ounces of brain matter, the basal ganglia,
situated above the hindbrain. What the dealers and the wheelers do
not realize is that their repressive deeds have little to do with
their idealistic expression of capitalism or the free market. Their
toxic deeds are but expressions of a part of the forebrain ......
Paul D. MacLean, M.D., introduced to you in the last article, removed
cells from the human basal ganglia. He stained them in the proper
method for slide preparation, then repeated the process with
reptilian brain cells. When placed under the microscope there is
little observable difference between these slides. This simply means
that our reptilian ancestry is alive and well in our brains. While
dinosaurs no longer roam the earth, they bequeathed some of their
performance patterns to every single baby born on the Blue Planet!
MacLean applies the term "reptilian brain" or "R-complex" to the
basal ganglia.After MacLean established the similarity between the human and
reptilian basal ganglia, he turned his attention to reptilian
behavior. His research yielded some rather astonishing results. In
addition to the physiological characteristics imprinted in the R-
complex, it also generates fundamental behavioral or psychological
functions. On page 100 of his book, MacLean lists "25 Special Forms
of Basic Behavior" and on page 143 he lists an additional
six "General Forms of 'Interoperative' Behavior." For our purposes,
we can generalize and reduce these 31 forms of behavior into four
major categories. They are A.) Territory, B.) Hierarchy, C.) Ritual
and D.) DeceitThese functions of the reptilian brain are only concerned with
survival of the self. The reptilian brain has been most effective in
achieving that goal. While many species have been exterminated,
neural reptilian circuitry survived. I am convinced that long after
homo sapiens disappear from the earth, the basal ganglia will survive
in whatever life-forms succeed us. Having survived for about
240,000,000 years, there is no reason to believe it will not survive
into the long distant future.Every aspect of the basal ganglia concentrates on the needs of
individual survival - it has no concerns for other members of the
same or any other species. The territorial imprint in the reptilian
brain, unchecked by any other dynamics, is responsible for the
existence of free-roaming dinosaurs destroying the possibility of a
society of free citizens exercising their privileges with a profound
sense of social responsibility. While many of our leading alphas talk
a good game and make idealistically sounding speeches, their actions
evidence their enslavement to the R-complex.We need to understand three important points.
1.) No self-correcting mechanisms exist among the divisions of the
triune brain. Self-limiting neural ganglia do not exist to put a stop
to self-centered drives.2.) Human territoriality extends beyond the merely physical. Ideas
and beliefs are a substantive part of each individual's territory.
Whether invasion comes from a burglar or someone holding a radically
different viewpoint, the response of the R-complex is the same. It
reacts to opposing points of view as instinctively as it does to an
invasion of territory.3.) It appears that reptiles limit their territorial aggressiveness
to simply insure sufficient "Lebensraum." In humans, however,
territoriality expansiveness for many members of our tribe operates
on the premise that too much is never enough.With reference to points 1 and 2 it can be said that it is almost
impossible to have a rational, intelligent conversation about
differing political, religious or economic points of view. In most
instances, discussion within minutes becomes a defense of one's
system of beliefs. When controlling alphas decide that the fiscal
bottom line is the be-all and end-all of corporate responsibility,
when politicians decide that in the name of capitalism even inhumane
decisions are acceptable, then reason and logic cannot prevail. Money
and power are simply modern adaptations of the territorial imprint in
the R-complex.We all remember that a car model having a defective fuel tank
exploded in several instances causing a number of deaths. The company
did a cost effectiveness study. It concluded that it would be cheaper
to pay a few death claims than to recall and retrofit all cars on the
road. The decision-making executive did not fit the F.B.I. profile of
mass murderers. They just acted on the impulse of their reptilian
brains.When Enron cheated Californians of billions of dollars during their
manufactured energy crises, neither Kenny Boy et al, including POTUS
who refused to come to the rescue of the citizens, could be accused
of looking like Al Capone. No, they just acted in accordance with
their reptilian brains unchecked by any controlling elements.Nothing, not even sex, is more important to any living organism than
its own space, its territory. Thank you, Dr. Freud, but territory
preempts sex as the most fundamental of all needs. Without space we
can't make love. Without your own space, you cannot exist.It is a peculiar twist in the human species that insists on extending
its territory beyond survival needs. It is not enough to merely
establish and defend one's territory. We evidence our aggressiveness
by conquest and subjection of the conquered. I presume that human
desire to lord over other members of our species is due to the
neocortex. Recall that the newest part of the brain is only about
three to five million years old. By some twist of nature, the
reptilian brain made the youngest part of the forebrain its servant.The non-linguistic and non-reasoning ancient brain uses the neocortex
to develop both a rationale for the irrational and to voice supposed
reasons for the unreasonable. Thus we justify wanton appropriation of
another's labor by defending practices in the name of the Free
Market. The reptilian brain asserts repressive labor practices in the
name of Competitive Edge, wages at levels below the minimum standards
of living in the name of Capitalism. And all the while, the
dominating dinosaurs vote themselves compensations that would make a
common pickpocket blush with shame.Reptiles espouse lofty religious themes while trampling justice and
righteousness in the mire of their self-created reasonless drive for
ever-larger profits at all cost. The selfishness engendered by the
reptilian brain knows no dishonor. Have not all the reptile/gentlemen
a list of reasons for their behavior a mile long? Little do they
realize that the list is the eventually self-destructive creature of
their own irrational basal ganglia. Does not "the glory that WAS
Greece and the splendor that WAS Rome" say anything to these usurpers
of the common good?The R-complex's territorial imperative causes leaders and rulers to
trample dinosaur-like through the halls of Congress, the walnut-
paneled Board Rooms, and the Oval Office. And the rest of us find
ourselves imprisoned in the "cages" designed by them. Limitation of
civil liberties, imposition of religious dogmatism, destruction of
equal access to health care, economic enslavement through usurious
interest on credit cards, and pillage of the environment are but a
few examples of the cages imprisoning us.There are no great democratic ideals to be found in sending our young
men and women into combat to protect the monetary interests of the
oil companies. The decision committing troops are hatched in the R-
complex of the wheelers and the dealers. Nothing noble exists in
pharmaceutical companies ripping off everyone with their pricing
structure. These decisions are engendered in the R-complex of the
wheelers and the dealers.Dinosaurs are alive and well. The very structure of our society
testifies to that fact. The next article will consider the
hierarchical, ritualistic, and deceitful imprints in the human basal
Thought For The Day
"Conflict in relationships occur when people attempt to impose their
personal thought system, their personal reality, on others, without an
understanding that other people have separate frames of reference."R. Suarez
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