He can while away the hours
Handing out his flyers
About chem-trails causing rain.
And his head he is a-scratchin'
While his plots are busy hatchin'
Because Reptard is insane.
He'll unravel every riddle
For any individdle
In trouble or in pain
With his Geocities web page
The world he's gonna save
Because Reptard is insane.
Oh, he can tell you why
The lizards run the show
And secrets of the Masons that he knows
And then he'll sit, and rant some mo'e.
He would not be just a nothin'
His head all full of stuffin'
His heart all full of pain
He could get a job and maybe marry
Life would be a dinglederry
If he only had brain.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/299291.html