Well, I had fun last night. Before I left I was procrastinating because I have now unpacked enough to actually have floorspace again and was in a nesty mood. But once I was out I had a fine time. I walked over the DV8 and was happy to see that
The Birthday Boy was still there. Hugs from
one of the muses certainly didn't hurt my mood ;-) Then it was off to Skuz where in short order I was wearing my gourmet shit-eating grin. Two out of the three people I am interested in were there, and I one point I proceeded to further embarrass myself with one of them (Science World is goofy and fun, damnit!). Oh, well. I'm all excited about my date with
Queen Valerian tomorrow so it's all good. I drank, smoked, danced (like a retard), and took pictures (especially of
Lady Vermath, who looked especially faaabulous in her new outfit - and had boots pointer than mine!). Lady Vermath,
Opulence, and I shared a cab home and Lady V. crashed on my couch. It's all little, stupid stuff, but it adds up to having my sense of community back. So what if "When you run into people you used to hang out with a long time ago, they avert their eyes and say, 'Oh are you still into all that? I grew out of it years ago.'"? This is it. This is my life. Despite conventional wisdom, I'm happier this way.
Tonight I'll be taking Brengun to a post-op party for Myr. I'm looking forward to that. I've missed hanging with Myr, and now that she is living in San Francisco this is one of the few chances I'll get to see her for a while.
Saturday morning I am going to sleep in a bit, and then draw. I've got that crowquill drawing I've been working on that I'd like to have finished and framed in time for Nicole's "Gothic Art Show" (Gawd! I haven't shown a thing since the last one...).
Saturday evening is going to be fun. But what am I going to wear? I'm going to have to do some ironing...
Sunday morning I fully intend to sit in the bath, listen to jazz, and sip on a latté. I'm going to have to start getting the NY Times delivered to I can do the crossword (yes, I know you can get the crosswords online, but there is something about the physical presence of a 400 page newspaper!). Then off to the birthday brunch for the one person who is older than me.