Mon, 2003/12/22 - 12:10pm
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Once again, for about the millionth time, someone thought I was Jewish. I'm always surprised when this happens. I don't look Jewish. Just because I know a few trivial things about the religion people assume. Thing is, I know just as many trivial things about other European religions yet I rarely get "are you Catholic", "are you a witch", "are you Greek Orthodox"... why do I get Jewish more often than others when, in fact, my mother is Catholic, my father was Greek Orthodox (neither practicing), and I was married to a witch (no pun intended)? I know the ancient Roman holidays as well as I know the Jewish ones. How come knowing when Hanukah is leads people to a conclusion about my religion yet no such leap is made over knowing when Christmas is on the Julian Calendar, or when Saturnalia begins and ends, or what day Yule is?
Theories anyone?
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