Writing Tech Résumés Sucks
Mon, 2004/10/25 - 9:57pm
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Summarizing the assorted, complicated mess of stuff that I do in a way that will make any sense at all to non-technical human-resources people is an exercise in brain-bending. It comes off looking like random monkey/keyboard action: XML ASP VPN DECS IIS IBM HTTP Apache HTML CSS *nix Win32 AS/400 C+ PHP R5 R6 DB2 SQL... lkslkasjd aslkhfgllia kashdgfl iasubf rbe! GAH!! And that ain't the half of it. Deciding what to put in, what to leave out, what to highlight, what to play down... I hate this shit.
I was excited when I joined Lignum because there were people on the IT staff that had been there for decades and I figured I'd never have to leave, that if I left at all it would be when I was ready to move on. Pardon me while I once again kick myself for not taking up my father's business and becoming an upholsterer...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/556159.html