Mon, 2005/01/10 - 11:21pm
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The Trans-Siberian railway has left the loading platform. I spent this morning on the phone with the Doctor developing a plan for moving all the mail users over to his beloved Exchange server. Pretty much what I get to do for the next few weeks is catalogue everything that is going to be lost or break because of this and start putting together a plan for how it is going to be replaced. What an unrewarding task that is: putting toe-tags on everything I've worked on since I was hired.
Every reason I was hired for is in the process of being disassembled. Every redeeming quality of the job has been removed. I'm just collecting a cheque until I can find something else. It's just like when I was working for HSBC. Funny thing is, that may not be so bad. Work sucked, to be sure, but that I didn't care about it made it easy to leave behind at the end of the day. My personal life was the better for it.
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