While the Green Party has a similar policy, but the Work Less Party has a more arts-and-culture oriented platform, which resonates with me as an artist. I did not want to vote for either of the the front-runners, and if I am going to "throw away" my vote, it will be to the party that suits me best.
I had the same point to make with the federal election: ultimately a person should vote locally. Vote for the candidate/party in your riding that best suits your vision and the needs of your riding. Don't play an odds game of simply voting for who you think will win. That accomplishes absolutely nothing. The very point of voting is to voice your opinion. If you have a "fringe" opinion and vote for a maintream party, you've lost your voice and subverted the process (and that being said I think it follows that I voted in favour of the STV).
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/617026.html