Craziness. Yesterday I was
broke. Today I am not. What I am is tired. Because I am back in the wonderful world of self-employment, sleep is a luxury. I worked until about 1:00 Sunday night getting the accounting set up after which I got an acceptable eight hours sleep. Monday night it was more like five hours sleep since I had to get up and get my ass to the airport for a meeting in Vernon. When I got back it was straight back to work for the other client until after I'm-not-sure-when (around 2?), then up at 7:00 a.m. for a phone call and squeezing in a little for a client before. Dress, shower, then 7 hours with the on-site contract, followed by a rush meet with another client that actually happened on the street as we met as we both had to be other places and the most convenient thing to do was cross paths on Georgia and exchange papers and instructions. Then some errands (which included depositing the first cheque for "Little 07" and achieving that positive balance!), home, half and hour to eat, bailed on Curiosity to "get to sleep early" and worked until 1:00 a.m. anyway... Then up at 6:00 this morning for a first-thing-in-the-morning call to Montréal, shower dress, into the on-site client's office for five hours, then two hours collaborating with some third-party consultants. Now I have a bunch of accounting that needs doing, graphic work, more work, I'd
like to get to Blender, but I have files that need to be in Montréal by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. And tomorrow I have to go shoot some pictures for a client while the morning light is still good (before 8:30 a.m.).
Friday morning after the shoot I have a some copy-writing and web programming to do, followed by lunch with Elaine and her parents, then some "flexible" time where I will either be doing design work or meeting with a potential client for, of all things, shooting footage for a music video. Then hopefully I'll get the Red Chair photos from the first finished off. Saturday we'll be renting a car to pick Hive show that ends Friday, grocery shopping, I need a new suit and some shirts and other clothing items because everything has decided to wear out simultaneously.
These days I'm planning in advance when I have the time to shit (I'm not joking) and between the lack of sleep and the bog smoke it feels like my eyeballs are about to start bleeding. And the sick, sad thing about it all: I'm loving it. I feel useful, inspired, and creative because I am doing my thing.