Because mySpace picks myAss
Tue, 2006/04/11 - 10:51pm
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I hate navigating through the crapfest that is mySpace and would rather have all my friends showing up in the same place, so I created feeds here for a few blogs:
myspace_artador (Art of Adornment)
myspace_voodoo (Voodoo Dolly)
myspacemissrisk (Little Miss Risk)
I'll probably create more as I get around to it. Or you can do it. It's easy:
- go to the person's mySpace blog
- click on the RSS link near the top of the page
- copy the URL
- go to and paste the URL in the field at the bottom of the page and click the "Add Feed" button
- give the feed a name (I'd suggest myspace_[whatever])
If you try to add a feed that already exists you'll get the name of the extant feed to add to your friends page.
Oringinal post: