Sat, 2006/07/01 - 10:16pm
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The new catalogue application I wrote for
store is live today. I'll post more about the nuts and bolts of it in my
programming blog when I get around to it. Basically it is a Lotus Domino database presented to the web via a PHP skin. Elaine manages her catalogue items through Lotus Notes. It's all pretty slick for something that had to be accomplished on lunch-hours and occasional evenings. I'll be able to re-skin the interface to have her
Art of Adornment items for sale via
Gothic BC in the (hopefully) not to distant future. I'll also be able to re-use this to start offering prints for sale on my own website.

The Notes interface. The bottom picture shows an example of previewing the detail image for an item and getting the HTML for posting on her MySpace, LiveJournal, and other sites she promotes the store on.

In other related new, littlemissrisk should be coming over sometime later this month to do some modelling for the store. I'm looking forward to that.
Oringinal post: