There is a positive vibe afoot and I am running with it. Since I entered the workforce after graduating with my B.A. in Fine Arts I've been chasing my own personal Holy Grail of reliable employment sufficient to cover necessities that doesn't consume all my time and energy, leaving nothing for artwork. I've skirted on the edge of it many times, never quite getting all three: part-time, lucrative,
and reliable. Part-time and reliable, is easy, but rarely lucrative. I've had part-time and lucrative without reliable and reliable and lucrative without part-time. Now, after twelve years of chasing clouds, I seem to be less than a week away from achieving this. Today I submitted my application for the internal posting that is my new job description. I've jumped through all the flaming hoops and I am on the home-stretch.
It's real enough that I have "survivor guilt" for getting this far, but I am only here because I had the balls to make it happen. I also feel damn proud for not rolling over and settling for white-picket-fence sheeple ordinary, largely because I came so dangerously close to going that way several times...
Almost there... almost there...!