Fun Weird Stuff From the Weekend
Tue, 2008/07/29 - 11:09pm
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There was more to this weekend that just throwing my back out. There were moments of sublime absurdity, like a girl in the group of people I was chatting with outside the club at the "
7 Deadly Sins" party going to pitch a can of Red Bull over her shoulder and over the construction hoarding behind her and not succeeding. The can hit the wood just shy of the top and ricocheted back to bounce off the top of the top-hat of my
greed costume. Also in the realm of the sublimely absurd was being approached by someone in the film industry about making some fake money for a TV show because they were impressed with the quality of the fake money on my costume. I'm waiting to hear back about the price I quoted, which may be more than they were expecting, but designing a realistic series of fake banknotes is going to be a fair bit of work (albeit bizarrely fun). Just being asked is fun enough considering the only reason I made my own fake money was I didn't want to use money that looked American like most play money does.
And in other weird news, I was contacted this weekend by a technology columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald doing an article on steampunk. He asked me about my keyboard mod and requested some good high-res photos. I'm not sure when the article is going to run, but hey, I'm getting press in Australia!
Oringinal post: