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20 Years of ID Photos

I am a strange man. I've kept, with an eye to making some kind of artwork, every ID, credit, membership, bank, etc. card I have ever had since high school. This image is made from my student-ID card and drivers-licence photos from 1983 through 2003.


I feel like I drank a pint of gin, smoked half a pack of cigarettes, and stayed up until 3 a.m. last night - only I didn't. I just caught another bug on the moble petri-dish that is public transit. I swear I am going to start wearing NBC gear or a hazmat bunny-suit during my commute. That or buy a car.

Proles, plebs and petit-bourgeios... unwashed masses, indeed.

When Is That?

"For safey reasons, bicycles are not allowed to exit Granville Station at anytime"

Is that any time soon?

Oringinal post:

The Drunken Antics of Anonymous Strangers

This morning I found a strip of negatives, bent in half and trod-on in the rain, lying on the stairs to the Burrard Skytrain station.


dream_king passed on an opportunity to photograph an event at the Media Club in July for Heeb Magazine. It's volunteer, but an easy gig shooting a party (gee...


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