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That's It

I'm home now. I'm done with Tolko. I'll never be going back to that office. And with any luck at all I will never have to go to Vernon again, ever.

Oringinal post:

Life in Coal Harbour

I have come to refer to this particular hour of the evening as "blam o'clock".

Vancouverites will know why.

Oringinal post:

Today the Trenches of The Great War Passed from Living Memory into History.

Last of Canada's WWI front-line vets dies at 106

Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:39 PM ET

TORONTO (Reuters) - The last Canadian veteran of the First World War's front lines has died. He was 106.

More Space-Suits!

I don't know what it is, but everywhere I go lately, someone is wearing a space suit.

Squishings for Elaine

Dean Martin "Ain't that a Kick in the Head?"

How lucky can one guy be?

I kissed her and she kissed me.

Like the fella once said,

Ain't that a kick in the head?

The room was completely black,


And the Award for...

"Most Innovative Use of the H.323 Protocol" goes to my co-worker who has tuned the American football game in on the boardroom video-confernce gear so he can watch it on his workstation using NetMeeting while he works.

Oringinal post:


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