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Sometime the Ordinary Can Be Remarkable

I have an old sewing machine. It is in excellent shape and I have all the orignal acessories that came with it - including the receipt from Eaton's, dated 1964 (the machine is older than I am). Last night, while repairing a pair of pants the light bulb that illuminates the needle burnt out. An ordinary event.

Life Downtown

Where just looking out the window is entertaining:

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I got asked today "if it would be a problem" to fly to Vernon for a software demo. Yes, it is a fucking problem. Spending eight hours of my life travelling on wingèd tin-cans one step removed from Mexican buses with with old-women holding chickens sitting in the back, just to attend a four-hour demo for software I don't give a shit about? I think not.

The Big, Black Camera of Doom

Now bigger and with 33% more DOOM.

A flash unit l I bought online last week arrived today. This particular flash is designed specifically for my camera so it is aware of things like how much I am zoomed, the distance the lens is focused on, etc. The flash head swivels and tilts (examples of what this means under the cut) and has a built-in diffuser panel that will be most useful for fashion shows. But enough babble, on to the test photos...


I just posted about this in the community, but want to say a bit more about it here. The past May, for the first time ever, topped one million hits. That's up from the whopping 7 I had during the first month of the site's existence in August 1999.

Big Excitement in Vernon Today

Despite the fact that I work in Vancouver, for incomprehensively stupid reasons I am on the "Vernon Office" e-mail distribution list. It tends to be a regular reminder of how much I don't want to work in Vernon (you may recall the "Island Party"). Today's big excitement was, and I quote:


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