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Crappy Comic Book Movie Central

In response to a comment on one of my Catwoman posts I ended up posting a bit of a rant about why the movie is likely to be crap and about the film industry both in Vancouver and in general. One of my criticisms of the Catwoman movie was, "It's lowest-common-denominator pap designed by marketing weasels to make money, period. It's one step away from porn."

I was sent a picture of

More Hallowe'en Fun

So what if it is a bit early?

Catwoman with Cat

Catwoman carrying a cat.

It's a circus here today

The movie shoot was just interrupted by an Iraq war protest march on Georgia. Some of the movie people are looking pretty pissed off. Too funny.

Oringinal post:

Anniversary of the Creation of Man

And my question for the day is this: If God is all-powerful, why did He need to rest on the seventh day?

Oringinal post:


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