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I love my job

Because I took the last two weeks off I only just got my Secret Santa gift and Christmas bonus today. My Secret Santa got me Guinness and coffee, which would have been enough to leave me in a good mood all by itself, but then there is the bonus cheque:

After tax my bonus comes to $1,601.70 - just enough for two round trip tickets to New York!!!

New Year

This has been, as far as I can recall, the best holiday season ever.

Oringinal post:


Maybe I am better at making predictions than I give myself credit for.

Oringinal post:

Not freaky at all...

Someone next door had a minor fire.


Not like this is a news flash or anything, but

I hate banks!

I put a cheque in last Wednesday, people are waiting for me to write them cheques against it, but I still can't get at the money. You'd think that the Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs writes bad cheques for the way the bank is refusing the release the funds.

Or not.

I know I said, "More later," but most of you won't see the rest of it. It really is very personal. I'm only talking about it with three people with whom I am very close, who have known me for a long while, and are well versed on the background of it all.

And to answer in advance: No, I am not alright. Yes, I will be. No, I really do not want to talk about it with anyone else.


More later, but I'm just not going to go out tonight. I got a freaking psychotic e-mail from the Harpie. Then my car had a flat tire. No one anywhere near downtown fixes flat tires on a Sunday. Today did not go as planned. More later.

Oringinal post:


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