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Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me...

OK. I've been up for the last hour. I just spontaneously woke up after about 3½ hours sleep. I felt tired when I went to bed, but now...?!? Maybe I'm just excited about the new job or something.

Oringinal post:

And I even have hairy feet!


Bilbo Baggins

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Bilbo, Hobbit, uncle of Frodo and finder of the One Ring.

Too bad they don't keep the gold at Fort Knox anymore...

If I was a James Bond villain, I would be Auric Goldfinger.

I enjoy golf, gold, and bisecting people with industrial lasers.

Another One

Sanctuary 212
Sanctuary 212

&copy 2001 Michael R. Barrick


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