Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2017/04/22 - 12:31pm
You get used to things. At work, four times a year, the logistics of changing out the show happen remarkably smoothly. Pretty much impossible to move things are shipped in and out and the whole space is transformed. Often walls are built and torn down, thousands of square feet of wall are repainted. Later today I'll be going down to a nightclub that will be transformed in a window of two hours.
Mon, 2017/02/13 - 9:38am
*ugh* E-mail for mbarrick.net, mbarrick.com and gothic.bc.ca (and less-importantly, araneum.ca) has been down since the wee hours of Sunday morning. I didn't even notice until Sunday night because I got off to such a slow start yesterday. And it's not just ordinary 'just restart the service' down, but 'hosting company managed to have a catastrophic RAID failure that took out a whole bank of virtual servers' down / 'full restore over a slow connection' down.
Mon, 2017/02/06 - 11:46pm
It started snowing a little before 4:00. I left work at UBC at 5:00 and walked to the diesel-bus loop. It was already a tragic shit-show. One articulated bus as stuck at one end of the loop. There were multiple "transit supervisor" vehicles, but no actual supervision and a lot of chaos. I walked over to Bay 1a for the 480 and there were already enough people to fill an articulated bus waiting in line. I waited for a bit and watching what was going on with the other buses. A 43, a 49 and 41 went by, all stuffed past the red line.
Mon, 2017/01/23 - 11:19am
Tue, 2016/12/13 - 4:25pm
In Classical times, being "one in a million" at something meant having about 170 peers in that field, spread out all over a world that took months or years to traverse such that the chances of directly interacting or competing with one was next to none. Even by the Renaissance, when "one in a million" meant about 500 peers, it remains remarkable that, for example Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo interacted and had a direct rivalry.
Sun, 2016/12/11 - 1:22pm
No one noticed when I quit LinkedIn months ago. But everyone lost their minds Friday when I purged my Facebook account. No one seemed to notice that no one was unfriended from any other social media site I am active on... Pinterest, Instragram, G+, YouTube, Ello, etc. and no one was removed from any of the Facebook groups and pages where I am an admin. I still have the same e-mail addresses I've had for decades. I still have the same phone number I've had for 14 years, which, incidentally is listed and my name is not a secret.
Sat, 2016/12/10 - 1:30pm
#ineedfeminismbecause I have emotions. I should not be called "a 12-year old", "weak", "a fag" or "pathetic" whenever I have an emotional reaction that is not anger, and treated like a monster if I do get angry, even though I haven't actually struck anyone in anger since I was ten years old.