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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Vidma being stealthy and Malenky being a dufus this morning.

Vidma being stealthy and Malenky being a dufus this morning. via Instagram

Light coming through the lace curtains onto paintings. It only lasted for a couple of minutes at a...

Light coming through the lace curtains onto paintings. It only lasted for a couple of minutes at a time before I'm usually up and I almost missed it. Saving as the beginning of an idea I might come back to. via Instagram

Vidma #winningatcat this first full day of summer.

In Weimar Berlin women also picked the bear

In Weimar Berlin women also picked the bear 🐻
"Berlin, You City of Beautiful Women" is a musical piece written in 1928 by James Klein and Fritz Rotter. Rotter fled to the United States in the Nаzі period. He died in Ancona, Switzerland, in 1984 via Instagram

Two cats, three eyeballs, 427 toys, infinite cute.

Theoretically, this is the craft room. In practice, it is Vidma's room. She can and does spend more...

Theoretically, this is the craft room. In practice, it is Vidma's room. She can and does spend more time in here than I can. via Instagram

Cat art

Art coach.


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