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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Automated Snapshots on Mac OS X Lion Server

The problem: creating "TimeMachine-like" snapshots of changed files to a NAS device that is not TimeMachine-compatible.

Caveats with this solution: file permissions will not be maintained in the backup copies.

Overview: uses find and rsync in a shell script called with a launchd daemon.

BASH script for removing JPEG sidecar files

When shooting for the nightclub photo booth areas I run, I have to shoot JPEG because my printer will not deal with camera raw files, however, for reasons that should be obvious to any serious digital photographer, I prefer to have to raw files to work with after the fact. This necessitates shooting RAW+JPG, but I have no use for the JPEGs in post-processing.

Gothnic II No1

Gothnic II No2

Gothnic II No5

Gothnic II No6

Gothnic II No7


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