Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2010/12/10 - 12:00am
Wed, 2010/12/01 - 11:53pm
Tue, 2010/11/30 - 11:04pm
I've been working on a brilliant idea for a social networking site. It's revolutionary. I call it "The Pub."
Thanks to the miracle of convergent technologies you don't even need a desktop computer, you can use your cell phone or even a land-line. Send someone a text message or use a voice call and invite them to "The Pub."
Thu, 2010/11/25 - 11:53pm
Thu, 2010/11/25 - 10:05pm
I've just added e-mail notifications of when you are tagged in a photo.
Fri, 2010/11/19 - 10:17am

I came across these:

And the necessity to make this called out to me:
Mon, 2010/11/15 - 9:56pm
Q. If you see someone from East Van on a bicycle, why should you never swerve to hit him?
A: It might be your bicycle.
Q: Why does the Fraser River run past Surrey and Richmond?
A: Because if it walked it'd get hit by a street-racer.
Q. What is someone from Richmond's idea of "thinking outside the box"?
A. Shopping on Robson St. instead of going to a mall.
Q: What do you call someone from East Van in a house in West Van?
A : A burglar.
Sun, 2010/11/14 - 10:14pm
I swear the Internet is robbing me of intelligence. I try to avoid running in the special olympics, but just the very act of reading though and looking at the volume of mediocre crap to find the occasional gem is rotting my mind. It's the mental equivalent of black-lung. Tiny particles of idiocy are piling up in the corners of my mind, forming into dust-bunnies of stupidity. The dunce-bunnies are arming themselves with the armour from pencil-drawn Manga-style anthropomorphic horse and kitty warriors from deviantART.
Fri, 2010/11/12 - 11:53pm
Thu, 2010/11/11 - 2:00am
It's Remembrance Day again. In some past years I've made posts about my father's service during WWII (2001, 2003 repost, 2005 repost, 2008) and at other times I've written about some of the horrors my mother and father survived during WWII.