Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2024/04/10 - 8:52am
Vidma catching rays in her favourite morning spot as Malenky looks on. Also, my apartment is literally like a tomb. The sun only reaches the depths of the hall near the equinoxes.
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Sat, 2024/04/06 - 11:31pm
Sat, 2024/04/06 - 3:36pm
When you are an old cis-het guy that lives alone, sometimes IDGAF is frilly any pretty.
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Wed, 2024/04/03 - 10:58pm
12 E. 7th, the first place I lived in Vancouver. It was a lot sketchier when I lived there. It was also about a metre shorter then. The basement room had a 6' ceiling when I lived there.
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Mon, 2024/04/01 - 7:46pm
Chaos is great. Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling.
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