Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2007/08/03 - 5:35pm
Thu, 2007/08/02 - 2:44pm
Wed, 2007/08/01 - 11:23am
Tue, 2007/07/31 - 3:06pm

First, I want to thank everyone who has sent my happy birthday wishes and everyone who came out for my party on Sunday. I had a marvellous time. All the gifts were lovely and those that were buying me drinks succeed in getting me thoroughly plastered. Thank you all.
Now that it is actually my birthday, I'm sorry to report I am so far not having a good day. I took the day off work to relax and I am anything but relaxed at the moment, which brings me to my one wish for my birthday at this point:
May I never have to suffer the illogic of others again.
Of course I may as well wish for immortality, world peace, and the abolition of taxes.
Tue, 2007/07/31 - 12:07am

Plastic is now
truly recyclable.
In summary: technology now exists that can reduce any hydrocarbon, including plastic, into oil and gas. It is no longer true that every bit of plastic ever made still exists.
Sat, 2007/07/28 - 12:10am
Wed, 2007/07/25 - 1:50pm
I'm going to need some way to transport my paintings, decorations, cake and assorted birthday stuff to and from Skank on Sunday. Are there any vehicularly endowed teatotallers out there that can help?
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/816923.html
Tue, 2007/07/24 - 7:57am
With the civic strike and therefore no one cleaning up after the wretched rabble, Lower Hastings is already looking exceptionally squalid.
Yet I suspect it will pale in comparison to the West End after tomorrow night's invasion of suburbanites for the Symphony of Money.
Which will be worse: the drug addled morons incapable of cleaning up after themselves, or 300,000 adherents to the Cult of Entitlement who *expect* to be cleaned up after?