Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sun, 2007/01/07 - 11:16pm
Sat, 2007/01/06 - 12:31am
Tue, 2006/12/26 - 1:48pm
Ten 36-day months, each with five seven-day weeks. The last day of each month is a holiday. The left-over five/six days at the end of the year are a holiday. The year begins the day after the winter solstice so new year's eve night, the culmination of the year-end holday, would be the longest night of the year.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/790135.html
Sun, 2006/12/24 - 11:46am
Sat, 2006/12/23 - 9:32pm

Tonight I finished the version of the punks illustration in the style I originally intended to do the whole series. The full resolution image is quite large, 45 megapixels, while the "more cartoony" one is just 3 megapixels, yet this one didn't take much longer to do at all.