Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2005/11/28 - 7:05pm
Last of Canada's WWI front-line vets dies at 106
Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:39 PM ET
TORONTO (Reuters) - The last Canadian veteran of the First World War's front lines has died. He was 106.
Sun, 2005/11/27 - 9:35pm

I don't know what it is, but everywhere I go lately, someone is wearing a space suit.
Sun, 2005/11/27 - 11:14am
Fri, 2005/11/25 - 11:07am
Thu, 2005/11/24 - 11:34pm
Thu, 2005/11/24 - 10:46am

"Most Innovative Use of the H.323 Protocol" goes to my co-worker who has tuned the American football game in on the boardroom video-confernce gear so he can watch it on his workstation using NetMeeting while he works.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/671634.html