Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2001/09/13 - 9:25pm
What a wonderful world we live in where faceless cowards and liars can do what they do. And I'm not just talking about the terrorists, but the ordinary liars and cowards like the some of the ones reading this. The ones that chose to fire me without warning for part of my passionate reaction to what happened Tuesday.
Thu, 2001/09/13 - 11:30am
Wed, 2001/09/12 - 12:58am
Perspective on the magnitude of bringing down the WTC...
Tue, 2001/09/11 - 11:40am
My father was a soldier. My mother grew up in the middle of the war. Her father was involved with the resistance in Belgium. I've been (however briefly) a soldier. I am struck how little the people around me know about millitary tactics.
Tue, 2001/09/11 - 10:30am
Tue, 2001/09/11 - 9:19am
Just last night my mother phoned me to let me know that she was moving again. We got to talking about a bunch of different stuff and one of the lines of conversation was war (she lived in Belgium during the German occupation in WWII) and the decline of the American empire. We spoke of the arrogance of the American feeling of invulnerability and the burning of Washington in the War of 1812. Little did we know that today the Pentagon would be in flames and World Trade Center would be lying in rubble.