Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2001/08/30 - 5:13pm
Yes!! Sanctuary is happening this weekend - at Club 212, just around the corner from the Purple Onion. Guess I won't be going to the scooter thing after all. What a completely weird day today has been...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/96313.html
Thu, 2001/08/30 - 2:23pm
"You never know what the tide is going to bring in" - how about a three-kilometer high tidal wave that sneaks up behind you and smacks you in the head with the aft section of the Titanic?
First of all this is a direct quote from my horoscope today "Open a surprise from the past that you sent yourself in a letter."
Now this is a direct quote from the e-mail I just got from Suzanne!! "I am so sorry for not answering the letter you sent me. I don't even remember how long ago it was, and I think you sent it to my old house."
Thu, 2001/08/30 - 12:43pm
After going downstairs and lending my body to the softwood tariff protest outside the US consulate I'm all riled up. Kinda makes the corporate chains feel a little heavier.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/96193.html
Thu, 2001/08/30 - 10:34am
Wed, 2001/08/29 - 7:09pm
I looked a shoes but bought none. I'll simply take some of my old ones that have come back into style in to a cobbler.
And in other news my tickets showed up today. It's all very real now. I have tangible bits of paper entitling me to passage to far away places I've only read about and seen in films.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/94944.html
Tue, 2001/08/28 - 9:45pm
(Also proof of why math geeks never get dates.) |