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Michael R. Barrick's blog


Yes!! Sanctuary is happening this weekend - at Club 212, just around the corner from the Purple Onion. Guess I won't be going to the scooter thing after all. What a completely weird day today has been...

Oringinal post:


"You never know what the tide is going to bring in" - how about a three-kilometer high tidal wave that sneaks up behind you and smacks you in the head with the aft section of the Titanic?

First of all this is a direct quote from my horoscope today "Open a surprise from the past that you sent yourself in a letter."

Now this is a direct quote from the e-mail I just got from Suzanne!! "I am so sorry for not answering the letter you sent me. I don't even remember how long ago it was, and I think you sent it to my old house."

I'm all riled up now.

After going downstairs and lending my body to the softwood tariff protest outside the US consulate I'm all riled up. Kinda makes the corporate chains feel a little heavier.

Oringinal post:

Bad, Toad. Bad.

I was good

I looked a shoes but bought none. I'll simply take some of my old ones that have come back into style in to a cobbler.

And in other news my tickets showed up today. It's all very real now. I have tangible bits of paper entitling me to passage to far away places I've only read about and seen in films.

Oringinal post:

So I am an idiot

This is old, but still funny

Girls = Evil
(Also proof of why math geeks never get dates.)

My interests list

Seems I am the only person in all of LJ/DJ land interested in "not starving" and my own comic "SBSU" (Sarcastic, Bored, or Somewhat Useless)

Oringinal post:


Three o'clock drowsiness setting in....




                  ...keyboard marks on forehead...

Oringinal post:


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