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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Shut up, Trish.

I took the nerdity test.

Nerdity Quotient: 56.80% (284/500)

N.B. Not only am I enough of a nerd to have done this at all, I did it after mindnight on a Saturday night after spending the evening playing chess with someone ;-)

(And I edited this entry three times to make corrections and ammendments!)

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Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered


I just spent the evening playing chess with Ivana. What do I do with her? Half of me wants to throw my hands up in frustration and walk away, the other half wants to buy a ring. I've got the little miniature-me angel and devil characters on my shoulders giving my advice, only I don't know which one is which. It's not even a clear cut head/heart dichotomy - I have sensible reasons for going either way, I have strong feelings on both sides of the fence. I am the perfect example of ambivalence. I am vehemently ambivalent.

Prince Charles take note

The Nepalese heir apparent went psycho, shot everyone in his extended family, tried to kill himself as well, botched the suicide and now he is king. Interesting way to get ahead in life.

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New heights of boredom

OK. I'm still broke so I'm looking for cheap entertainment. There is blank panel on my easel that is taunting me and I have exciting things to do like laundry, but I want to do something new. Well, I thought of something new. "I wonder what will happen if I shove this ice-cream box in the garberator?" I think. Well, guess what. It worked. "Hmmm...? If that worked what about this empty cereal box?" Yup. That worked too.

How much more pathetic can I get?


My mom's heart is starting to act up a bit. She's on beta blockers for hypertension now. She's just turned 71 so this isn't exactly something unusual. It's not like she is going to keel over tomorrow. But my sister is bugging me to go back to the island to visit. I can't afford it right now. I think she may be so insistent out of guilt about what happened when my dad was sick. She phoned me to tell me he was in the hospital and probably not going to make it.

And just because...

I got "accused" of having a criminal mind this evening for describing how easy it would be to take out Manhattan's water supply.

I get bored. I think of things.

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The game is afoot

So "the plan" is starting to gel in my head now. I took a long bath the wash the bank ick off my soul for the weekend and consulted with Tharsis. There is still a great deal of confusion to be sorted through and many obligations to be integrated in the escape plan still, but I'll figure it out.

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts"

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Carl Buys Coffee

Carl Buys Coffee

Carl was criminally short and walked with his fists clenched in compensation for his inability to fill space. He swaggered unnoticed in to the café. His right hand opened just long enough to dive into a pocket and envelop a mutilated one dollar bill. In his mind, Carl made a grand gesture and placed the bill on the counter. In the eyes of the well groomed young woman behind the counter, Carl jerked his arm in a short circle, hit his fist against the counter with a sweaty thump, and released the one dollar bill with a spasm of his hand.

Neat day

It is as dark and stormy today. I love this weather. I know I am a freak. It was very windy as I was walking to work and it started raining along the way. It has been raining incessantly since I got here and because of it I feel great today.

I swear, I must have some mutant reverse form of seasonal affected disorder. I get miserable when the sun comes out, but the darker and rainier it gets the better I feel. I live for winter when it never stops raining and the sun is only up for six hours a day.

Yeah, I belong in Vancouver.

The hazards of caffeine addiction

I just spilled coffee on myself. Oops. It could have been worse, fortunately I use a travel mug and it was just a small splatter. Of course I feel like a fool, the walk back from the bathroom with the large wet spot on my shirt from washing out the coffee so it won't stain was particularly embarassing.

Damn. I am turning into an office person.

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