Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2001/05/04 - 10:56pm
Must sleep. There is work to get out of the way tomorrow so I can get on with the business of enjoying the pathetic scraps of the day that are left to me after my time in cubicle purgatory. Did I mention that I got my little magnetic sign with my name on to stick outside my cubicle today? When my co-worker handed it to me I said, "I'm a somebody now!" and she didn't get it.
I must remind myself:
Fri, 2001/05/04 - 6:39pm
(I am a cubicle monkey.)
OK, so I made an entry at work and forgot to bring the disk home. We had a meeting at the end of the day and it ran over so I bailed out as quickly as possible, especially since the transit strike escalation made a mess of downtown traffic. I had to drive this morning. I had planned to walk but forgot to set my alarm last night so drove at the last minute.
Fri, 2001/05/04 - 10:09am
Nice bloody morning. This whole "regular hours" thing is going to be an adjustment. I feel like I have jet-lag. I forgot to turn on my alarm for the second time this week. The first time was my first day. By sheer fluke I managed to wake up on time that day, but no such luck today. I rolled over and saw to my horror that it was 7:45. As it turns out my boss rolled in an hour and half late and one of my co-workers isn't even here yet thanks to the escalation of the transit strike.
Thu, 2001/05/03 - 11:28am
Third day at the new job and I am bored silly. I'm sitting here inventing ways to update my LiveJournal without it leaving a trace in the proxy logs. So the best I can think of right now is using a word file on a floppy that I can take with me and then cut and paste into my Live Journal later. I'll have to think of something better later.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/14816.html
Tue, 2001/05/01 - 9:25pm
What an ordinary day I had. In an ordinary building filled with ordinary people doing ordinary things so I can pay the rent and feed that cats. How thrilling.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/14367.html
Mon, 2001/04/30 - 5:38pm
Everything is changing. Tomorrow at 8am I start the new job (well, it is a six month contract, but that's just picking nits), also tomorrow my divorce is final and that chapter of my life is over, and I got some rather disappointing news from Ivana. She has decided to move to Kelowna. Now I'm very glad I went out and celebrated last night, because now I am bummed, to put it mildly. I can't argue with any of her reasons for wanting to move, in fact I agree with all of them. *shrug* What can I do?
Sun, 2001/04/29 - 11:09am
I didn't get as far as I wanted yesterday and something is screwy with my accounting software. Grrr.
Here's today's comic. I love this one. It's eight years old but it is still bang-on.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/13992.html
Sat, 2001/04/28 - 2:22pm
This is going to be one busy weekend. I think I really could use this (today's comic). I spent yesterday afternoon lollygagging about downtown, it's going to be the last time I get to do that on a weekday afternoon for quite a while.
Fri, 2001/04/27 - 12:35am
There is only one way to put this with the correct emphasis:
Holy Fuck! Fucking good fucking day, for fuck's sake! I mean, shit, fucking-A!
OK, as of yesterday I'm fielding phone calls from the Canada student loan people for the payment I missed this month and wondering how to keep my ass out of jail because I there was no way I could pay my taxes. I was questioning if I was maybe barking up the wrong tree romantically and there was still the seemingly inescapable detail of still being married to a lesbian.
Wed, 2001/04/25 - 2:17pm
Well, I got off on one of my little information collection tangents, looking up some information on the area my father's family comes from. He told me long ago that the area, which is now part of the Ukraine was controlled by the Austro-Hungarian empire at the point his four grandparents emigrated. Looking up the overlap that places the village in the eastern part of Galicia. Why is that funny? Because this area was the western extent of the Goths at the point where the tribe/kingdom split in the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths. That puts me on the Visigoth side.