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[Gothic BC] "Barwatch" Ruled Illegal

On July 21, 2009, B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner David Loukidelis ruled that the amount and type of information and the length it is retained by the "Barwatch" system used in many Vancouver and Victoria nightclubs is in violation of Section 7(2) of the B.C. B.C.?s Personal Information Protection Act.

[Gothic BC] GothicBC on Twitter

Follow @GothicBC on Twitter for updates. Tweet about GothicBC with #gothicbc.

[Gothic BC] New Feature: Tag Your Friends!

I've just finished adding a new feature: now logged-in users can tag their friends in pictures in the photo gallery. Once you have added someone to your friends list just use the "tag friends" link in the caption area of the photo you want to tag.

Escape Code Stripping in libxml2

There is a problem with the Drupal aggregator module stripping out HTML escape codes (i.e. &lt; &gt; & etc.) from RSS feeds when using PHP <= 5.2.6 with libxml2 >= 2.6.32.

This is due to an intentional change in the behaviour of libxml2 after version 2.6.32. Some sites suggest reverting to libxml2-2.6.30 - while this works as a temporary solution, it is no longer necessary or advisable.


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