The Legions of Desperately *Not* Bald Men?
Tue, 2006/04/25 - 6:01pm
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Just as the train pulled into Granville Station I looked up to notice I was sitting across three cookie-cutter, post-Modern, men with no hair. All three sported the same completely shaven head. What ever happened to comb-overs, toupées, and spray on shoe-polish? All three were clearly in IT. One sported a black laptop case and an IBM blue golf shirt. Another, also with a black laptop bag, sported a lighter Microsoft blue golf shirt. The third had no laptop bag, but was listening to jPop on the iPod he bought on eBay and was wearing a pink golf shirt that I can only presume matches his iMac. The five o'clock stubble on their shaven heads betrayed the fact that while the methods have changed, the goal remains the same. All three were clearly trying to maintain a look that proclaimed they were not too old to not have a future while crawled under desks toward their fortieth birthdays. I found myself realizing that they are performing the 21st century job that fills the void left by the legions of 19th century scriveners with comb-overs.
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