Sat, 2001/04/14 - 1:47pm
I had some weird dreams last night. The details have already escaped me, but they've left me determined to get out of this funk. I can't do anything more about not having any money that I already am and there is nothing I can do about the other thing I have been whining about but wait and hope (there's that damn hope thing again!), so to hell with the whinging and fretting and time to do what I can with what I have.
Thu, 2001/04/12 - 6:28pm
Nothing quite so much fun as scraping for work. But I had some good news today. Looks like I am the frontrunner for the HSBC job and I have a good crack at the Telus job. It could be a dilemma, because I think HSBC is going to come through before Telus, but Telus is the better job. I can't afford any "bird in the hand" mistakes, though. That's what got me into this mess in the first place. If I hadn't held out for the damn Cinram contract I wouldn't be in the this mess.
I will have a job next week.
Wed, 2001/04/11 - 10:42pm
The upside of not having any work right now is that I am starting to get some of those "one of those days when I have time" things done. I'm got my new website going (of which this journal is a part) and now I have finally gotten my web cam running again.
Tue, 2001/04/10 - 11:08am
It's me! Your donations will be greatly appreciated. |
Evilyn sent me this. If only I had a beemer to sleep in. But, oh well, the wonder wagon is roomier...
Mon, 2001/04/09 - 8:09pm
When creating mummies the ancient Egyptians were careful to remove and preserve all the vital organs except one. They didn't bother to keep the brain since they believed it was an essentially useless organ responsible only for the production mucus. I'm wondering if the ancient Egyptians caught a lot of colds, because it certainly feels like my brain has become an essentially useless organ and I have no shortage of mucus.
Sun, 2001/04/08 - 10:22pm
So tomorrow morning is my interview with HSBC, so I went out and bought myself a new tie that isn't three years out of style and let out the pants in my "good" suit. Not that I needed to bother. Once I tried things on I decided that a.) my other suit looks better, and b.) I'm not even going to wear a suit. It looks best with one of my black shirts and the Mexx pants I bought with Heidi when I was closing the contract with BHT.
There's more I'd like to say about today but I am sick with a cold and have to get up at an hour I am entirely not used to for the interview.
Tue, 2001/04/03 - 11:36am
OK. The funeral home is out. My niggling suspicion that things were not as good as they presented them at the interview has basically been confirmed. The details are moot, the bottom line is there are major signs of flailing headless chicken syndrome... Good thing I have the wireless place to talk to this afternoon. To hell with the funding problem, if they last a year that will be enough to get me on my feet and back to consulting, if they last longer, well great. At this point I'm convinced the wireless place is a better opportunity.
Mon, 2001/04/02 - 6:41pm
...that I was born with a horseshoe up my ass. Not only did I peg the attire just right (I was dressed similarly, but slightly better than the people who interviewed me) but the interview(s) went swimmingly. Despite the fact that, at this stage in the game, one never gets the job off the first interview, I thought at several moments that I'd walk out with a concrete offer. Probably would have, too, if the guy who makes the final decision hadn't had a 1:30 meeting. So back I go tomorrow, 11am again, and I'm sure I'll walk out with an offer.
Fri, 2001/03/30 - 1:05pm
Let's hear it for employable skills! I've had two solid bites in my search for a "real" job today. The first came from Toronto - an absolutely perfect sounding job description and a decent wage. That got me excited. No Houston, staying in Canada and in a city where I know people. But then the ultimate kick ass call came in. It was from the head of Lotus Notes development at the Loewen Group. So what is so great about that you ask? Let me elucidate:
Tue, 2001/03/27 - 8:02pm
I am totally bagged. I stayed up waaaay to late on Sunday night redoing my résumé and other things, then going out to Gateway last night and driving Opium to her mom's in Ladner afterward meant I got to bed way late last night as well. I'm supposed to go to Labyrinth tonight to hang out with Evilyn and Lusus but I'm just too tired now.