Tue, 2018/12/18 - 1:15pm
Opening reception for "Beginning with the 70s: Collective Acts", September 6, 2018.
Sun, 2017/05/28 - 12:42am
Being left out, ignored, under- or un- valued, these are the worst things for me, And the more it happens the less I feel I have anything to offer. So I withdraw. And then people forget I am even here. And it spirals down.
Thu, 2016/10/06 - 3:53pm
The selfie is a much maligned phenomenon in photography, particularly tourist selfies. Boomers and my fellow Gen-Xers are the to most vocal critics of the form, calling them ill-mannered and narcissistic.
Mon, 2016/07/04 - 5:18pm
Opening reception for "Two Exhibitions from The Collection: Becoming Animal/Becoming Landscape & Joan Balzar" and the official launch of Glenn Lewis' "Classical Toy Boat" - June 23, 2016.
Fri, 2016/02/05 - 5:51pm
I shot an event at work yesterday and just now was feeling kind of guilty about the number of pictures that I was happy with–"only" thirty. So right now I am reminding myself of the days when shooting was done in batches of 24 or 36 and I felt lucky if there were 3 or 4 "keepers" per roll. Getting 30 decent photos of an event is enough. Why do I feel compelled to produce hundreds of photos every time I shoot, especially when all I really need is one or two really good ones? Guh.