Sat, 2014/08/09 - 3:03pm
#dailycolonist1914 - This was a Sunday edition.
- British expeditionary forces arrive in Belgium.
- German and Austria threaten to declare war on Italy is they remain neutral (I could not help but head Zap Brannigan's voice when reading this.)
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Fri, 2014/08/08 - 9:51am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Mostly flag waving and propaganda today, very little news of substance
- Maharajah of Nepal offers his army to British service, "The majority of his troops are of the Gurkha tribe, the most famous soldiers in India."
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Thu, 2014/08/07 - 7:30am
"Today's" news out of Victoria 100 years ago has some interesting tidbits:
- Belgians down one of Germany's largest Zeppelins using "an especially designed gun for aircraft."
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Wed, 2014/08/06 - 3:26pm
News out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Field Marshal Lord Kitchener is appointed Britain's Secretary of War. This is the guy Berlin, Ontario was renamed after.
- Fighting in Belgium. German troops are repulsed by the Belgian army,
- Anti-German riots and vandalism in Antwerp
- The demonization of Germans continues with reporting of a Zeppelin attack in France "in violation of the rules of civilized warfare".
Tue, 2014/08/05 - 12:00am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago:
- The paper is full of drum-beating patriotism. Almost every article is about Canadians lining up across the country to serve the Empire.
- Attached here is a little programme on just who's who in the war:
Mon, 2014/08/04 - 12:00am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago:
- No declaration of war yet as of the morning edition. A second extra edition is put out with the huge headline "BRITAIN AND GERMANY AT WAR"
- The day prior to the declaration, in my home town of Duncan, a meeting to form a militia overflows the Odd Fellows Hall and is moved to the Tzouhalem Hotel. I wonder how many of the men that signed up on that night made it back and how many have their names on the monument beside the train station, across Canada Street from where the Tzou used to be...