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Damage Control? Shades of Google China? There Ain't Nothing Money Can't Buy

I'm not sure what to make of this.

If you Google "vancouver 2010 mascots" (without the quotes) on Google.COM these are the results:

Top Google News result (currently a story on the Pedobear mixup)

Top four image results

The official mascot page

My blog post with Pedobear

A "Press Kit" of Sorts

These are my responses to an e-mail interview this morning:

1) Why did you originally draw pedobear next to the mascots? Was it just for laughs, or to make a statement?

OK, Let's Hear It.

Why do you think the Olympics are a good thing for Vancouver? Or if not, why not?

Oringinal post:

It's Snowballing

I just got off the phone with Jason Proctor from CBC Radio One. Expect to hear me on the news at 4:30 or 5:30 today.

I hope he doesn't use too much of a sound bite. From having been interviewed on the CBC before, I don't much the way I sound on the radio.

Oringinal post:

Holy F-ing Crap!


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