Fri, 2014/08/29 - 8:13am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• British ships battle Germans in the North Sea.
• First Canadian troops, Princess Patricia Light Infantry, leave for overseas from Montréal on White Star Line liner S.S. Megantic.
• Force of 5000 Germans overwhelms 700 British troops, survivors accuse Germans of using machine guns mouted on Red Cross wagons.
• Town of Malines [Mechelen], half way between Brussels and Antwerp, bombarded with heavy artillery by Germans.
• Germans reportedly blame friendly-fire incident on locals in reduce town of Louvain to ashes to as a cover-up.
• Coquitlam football team accused of cheating.
Thu, 2014/08/28 - 12:35pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• More troops shipping out of Victoria and Vancouver
• Fears that Antwerp Zeppelin attack may be repeated over London
• Full page of photos of volunteers shipping out
• British press trying to get war-time censorship relaxed
Wed, 2014/08/27 - 9:23am
#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Lots of drum-beating, flag-waving stories about troops dispatching from Victoria and Vancouver
• Speculation about Turkey [Ottoman Empire] joining the war
• British holding their line, German defeats, Russian and Serbian victories
• Great little article that in summary says "our propaganda is truth, Germany's propaganda is all bizarre lies."
• Some interesting ads...
Tue, 2014/08/26 - 8:52am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Headlines and pictures of more troops dispatched from Victoria and Vancouver.
- Japan and Austria officially at war.
- First reporting of trench warfare...
Mon, 2014/08/25 - 8:10am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. Once again, the most interesting stuff is not in the headlines, but in the a couple of tiny "filler" stories...
Sun, 2014/08/24 - 11:34am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. Today's paper is the Monday "extra", and today's very slim. The first two pages have new news, but because that only represents one half of a full sheet of newsprint, the last to pages are all filler. Page three is made up completely of reprinted articles and the last page is another reprint of the map of Europe. But that first half-sheet is has a lot of content...
Sat, 2014/08/23 - 11:16am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. August 23 was a Sunday, so this is the big Sunday paper with a pull-out section, but the really interesting stuff today is not the top headlines or the pull-out magazine articles, but several of the minor articles....
Fri, 2014/08/22 - 10:48am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Germans advance in Belgium, demand $40,000,000 "tax" from Belgium.
- Belgian refugees reaching London, tales of long columns of German wounded.
- List of Belgian cities involved in the war, with populations and fortification status.
- Russian troops advancing in Austria
- More anti-German propaganda...
Thu, 2014/08/21 - 8:17am
News from Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
- Germans enter Brussels unopposed, with Belgian army retreating to defend Antwerp.
- Japanese demand that Germans vacate Tsing-Tau. Germany has two more days to reply to Japanese ultimatums.
- Editorial on the Japanese ultimatum and German territory in China
- ...
Wed, 2014/08/20 - 10:03am
The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Unanimous vote in parliament to support Imperial war effort
- Pope Pious X dies, apparently "greif-stricken" by the war
- Cowichan farmers allowed to sell "second rate" fruit...