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April 2023

Це мої нові туфлі

Це мої нові туфлі

Tiny bouquet du jour

Tiny bouquet du jour #tinybouquet

Oh hai

Tiny bouquet season has returned

Tiny bouquet season has returned

My malenky droog #winningAtCat

My malenky droog #winningAtCat

Piggy in the pig-pen

For a while now I've been kind of obesessed with apartments in pre-revolution buildings in Odesa....

For a while now I've been kind of obesessed with apartments in pre-revolution buildings in Odesa. Tonight I came across a listing for the top-floor, skinny-corner apartment of the world-famous Відьомський Будинок (Witch House.) — 915 sq', 13' ceilings and at a price I could reasonably afford in my retirement. Insane. Obsession intensifies.

My copious experience in ______________ continues to serve me well. Sure, inept headhunter, I'm...

My copious experience in ______________ continues to serve me well. Sure, inept headhunter, I'm totally willing to entertain leaving the union job I've had for 14 years for a one-year contract...