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I feel odd

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While on the one hand I am very pleased that the weather has taken a change for the better (i.e. darker, wetter, colder) I'm also less than thrilled with the oppressive Mondayness of the day not to mention a few other annoyances.

Someone is griping at me because I haven't gotten around to updating someone's name on the Gothic BC website. I have half a mind to take it down just because it isn't fun anymore. *sigh* If you do nothing no one notices you and no one complains. It's not that I haven't had complements on the site, some people do appreciate what I have done, but there are just too many people that confuse complaining about everything with actually having opinions.

Of course the solution is simple. I don't owe anyone any apologies for what I've created. I'm not doing this for money or for popularity, it's just for fun.

There are other things going on that have me bummed as well. Funny how there is always something. Money is finally sorting itself out (albeit not quite fast enough - I'm not going to be able to afford travel and lodging for C7). But one whinge at a time...

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