Wed, 2015/11/11 - 12:47pm
#dailycolonist1915 #WWI - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago.
I am, at last, caught up to exactly 100 years ago. The beginning of November 1915 has the British using gas for the first time, fighting in Bulgaria, King George V recovering from an accident at the front, the defeat of women's suffrage in the United States, new innovations in aerial warfare, and a new Japanese emperor, among other news.
Sat, 2015/11/07 - 2:39pm
#dailycolonist1915 #WWI - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Drug runners, whalers, pirates, propaganda, protests, Zeppelin attacks, giant telescopes, darkest Africa, Hallowe'en haunted houses, murder and atrocities are just a few of the things I've picked out from October 1915.
Sun, 2015/03/08 - 3:04pm
#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Thu, 2015/02/26 - 11:57am
#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
- Saturday, February 20, 1915
- [On the build-up to WWII] Japanese territorial demands alarm the Chinese government.
- A couple of rental ads for homes in Victoria and farm-land in and around the area.
- Large, quarter-page ad for the first Victoria showing of the new Dodge Brothers motor car [1915 was the first year Dodge, founded in 1900 and up to this point just a parts manufacturer for other companies, made their own vehicle].
Wed, 2015/02/11 - 9:34am
#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Thu, 2014/08/21 - 8:17am
News from Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
- Germans enter Brussels unopposed, with Belgian army retreating to defend Antwerp.
- Japanese demand that Germans vacate Tsing-Tau. Germany has two more days to reply to Japanese ultimatums.
- Editorial on the Japanese ultimatum and German territory in China
- ...