Fri, 2009/09/18 - 11:40am
I've got a job interview out in Burnaby near Production Way station today. It's not the greatest job on Earth and I'm not super excited about it - which pretty much ensures I'll get an offer - but I can't afford to pass up opportunities in this job climate. Tuesday I have what is effectively a second interview (I had to pass an online technical test to apply and I'll be meeting with C-level executives) for a much more interesting job within easy walking distance from home.
Tue, 2009/07/28 - 11:06pm
Tomorrow's puzzle will be getting to a 4 p.m. interview in North Van in the heat, on transit, wearing a suit, and not turning into a puddle.
I will cross that bridge when I come to it (literally, since I'll be going over the Lions Gate.)
For now, the "15 books" meme:
Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen books you've read that will always stick with you. They don't have to be the greatest books you've ever read, just the ones that left a lasting impression. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes.
Wed, 2001/07/11 - 10:40pm
Today was just another day.
I woke up a bit late and missed my call to Research In Motion. Oh, well. I'm not really "the grass is greener" type and this just may be my own subconscious telling me that right here is good enough. I fed the cats, drank my coffee, ironed some clothes for the day, showered, dressed and wandered away toward the shiny skyscrapers full of dull people.
Fri, 2001/04/27 - 12:35am
There is only one way to put this with the correct emphasis:
Holy Fuck! Fucking good fucking day, for fuck's sake! I mean, shit, fucking-A!
OK, as of yesterday I'm fielding phone calls from the Canada student loan people for the payment I missed this month and wondering how to keep my ass out of jail because I there was no way I could pay my taxes. I was questioning if I was maybe barking up the wrong tree romantically and there was still the seemingly inescapable detail of still being married to a lesbian.
Fri, 2001/04/20 - 7:58pm
I did it again... got my ass out of the fire just in the nick of time. Here I was this afternoon wandering around the apartment looking for things to sell, wondering if Evilyn would be interested in buying the wonder wagon, and such things because I didn't have rent together. Then a small contact comes through and I will be getting exactly the amount I'm short by courier Monday!
Fri, 2001/04/20 - 10:53am
Another day, another interview. This one was a second, shortlist interview with the HSBC. It looks very much like I am going to get this one. Turns out their Notes development team lead knows a lot of the same people I do, particularly my two most important references, through the now defunct Pacific Northwest Notes user group. This definitely helps.
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 7:16pm
I have another interview with HSBC tomorrow morning. This time meeting with the MIS and head of their development division. This'll be the technical interview. I wonder what they will hit me with. Not that it matters. I'm good at what I do and it isn't hard to show that. Things continue to slide slowly forward...
Oringinal post:
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 1:06pm
Gee, looks like people who do what I do are having a tough time all over. I ain't surprised! Nonetheless I have another interview at HSBC tomorrow morning. I'll find out later today if it is simply a "meet the staff (so we can tell if they hate you)" second interview or whether they are going to table an offer.
Tue, 2001/04/17 - 3:56pm
OK. I'm bored. I'm sitting here waiting to hear about a job, any job, and I can't seem to get anything done in the mean time. So much to worry about, so very little I can do about any of it.
Oringinal post: