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Conservatives Don't Understand Freedom

When you pick up a gun and commit a crime you lose your right to be free.

From now on the justice system will stop giving you the benefit of the doubt and send you to jail for a long time.

An Odd Thing to Enjoy

Later today I will be photographing a local dignitary and as I was entering the Skytrian station something occurred to me: the gear that I am carrying looks very much like I could be carrying a bomb and a rifle. This morning I find myself thankful that I am living in a city and a country that haven't lapsed into complete paranoia.

Oringinal post:

Hiel Bush

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History
by Thom Hartmann
Copyright 2003 by and Thom Hartmann*

Because I'm a rebel, too.

As my last entry attests I went to sleep last night just thrilled at the prospect of killing another day of my life in this cubicle. I'm torn between letting myself aquiesce and tolerate this for the time being and railing against it for the sake of my sanity. So I am doing both and neither today. In a fit of meaninless rebellion I am wearing jeans on a Tuesday. The horror.

Must go to sleep now...

Duty calls. In a few hours I must get up and trudge across the city and bow to the silicon god for another day. I am a god-damned, freaking, bloody monk. I will practice my asceticism in my grey cubicle and perform my rituals in time with the almighty clock. I will render unto Caesar more than his fair share and give up the rest to pay my tithe to the Unholy Church of the Dreaded Student Loan. It's so much fun. Everybody is doing it.

Oringinal post:

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