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Rats and the City of the Day

Two more people quit today, the ship is sinking. I wonder if the office will last until the official end of my term.

Anonymous Comments are Off

There seems to be an abundance of LJ spambots at work lately, so I'm turning off anonymous comments for the time being.

Oringinal post:

Dawn of the Undead Raccoons


Someone at Hitachi watched waaay to much Schoolhouse Rock.

Oringinal post:

The Price of an Education

It cost me over $30,000 to get a B.A.. The usefulness of that education remains questionable. I just spent $117.91 taking a multi-millionaire's financial advisor to lunch and gleaned a lot more useful material from it than I ever got from university.

...I feel like a SIM - You need 5 friends to advance on your career path...

Reference Needed

I need someone who has known me for a minimum of two years to be a reference for a passport application. You'll be contacted by Canada Customs, probably a daytime phone call, as one of the two refereces required in addition to the guarantor. Any volunteers?


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