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So I'm sitting in a cubicle in the basement of the “head office” that is the I.T. ghetto. In front of me is a “Teamwork” poster featuring a picture of a racing sail-boat and the caption, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” *vomit*

Behind me are 437 printed out pictures of the usual owner's rugrats in assorted “cute” poses that mostly look psychotic. *puke*

To the side are picture of “hot cars” that the guy can't afford and 14th generation degraded fax jokes. *wretch*

The cubicle is grey-blue and the desk is brown. *hurl*

Today I will be beyond Hope

Well, here I am, on my way to fabulous downtown Vernon - hub of culture, commerce, and industry that it is.

If you are waiting for the pictures from Sanctuary last night, I probably won't have a chance to post them until tomorrow evening. My return flight won't get me home until late this evening.

Oringinal post:


I'm sitting here at the terminal, rather bored, sipping on the bucket of coffee that came with the grease-on-a-bun breakfast I got from A&W. I'm watching people line up at the Starbucks in the terminal here and while I like Starbucks, my entire breakfast, including this bucket of coffee, cost less than a tall latté.

Oringinal post:

Crying Christ on a Crutch!

(How's that for a seasonally topical explitive?)


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