Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2014/08/12 - 8:15am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- "Blood Indians" [Kainai] offer money and man-power to serve the British Empire
- $40,000 ear-marked for expansion of Victoria drill-hall
- South Wellington destroyed by fire
- ...
Mon, 2014/08/11 - 8:29am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria, 100 years ago today:
- Warnings that large battles are imminent.
- Chronology of the war so far printed
- Italy backing out of alliance with Germany and Austria, trying to remain neutral.
- ...
Sun, 2014/08/10 - 11:06am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Japan has dispatched ships. Japanese immigrants in Vancouver agree to support Canada and the British Empire.
- The Ottoman Empire masses troops off the border of Bulgaria.
- ...
Sat, 2014/08/09 - 3:03pm
#dailycolonist1914 - This was a Sunday edition.
- British expeditionary forces arrive in Belgium.
- German and Austria threaten to declare war on Italy is they remain neutral (I could not help but head Zap Brannigan's voice when reading this.)
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Fri, 2014/08/08 - 12:53pm
When hiring a photographer it isn't just the time shooting you are paying for. It isn't even just the usual list of equipment costs, post-processing time, experience, education, etc. There are sundry other things that are never mentioned:
Fri, 2014/08/08 - 9:51am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Mostly flag waving and propaganda today, very little news of substance
- Maharajah of Nepal offers his army to British service, "The majority of his troops are of the Gurkha tribe, the most famous soldiers in India."
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Thu, 2014/08/07 - 7:30am
"Today's" news out of Victoria 100 years ago has some interesting tidbits:
- Belgians down one of Germany's largest Zeppelins using "an especially designed gun for aircraft."
- ...
Wed, 2014/08/06 - 3:26pm
News out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Field Marshal Lord Kitchener is appointed Britain's Secretary of War. This is the guy Berlin, Ontario was renamed after.
- Fighting in Belgium. German troops are repulsed by the Belgian army,
- Anti-German riots and vandalism in Antwerp
- The demonization of Germans continues with reporting of a Zeppelin attack in France "in violation of the rules of civilized warfare".
Tue, 2014/08/05 - 10:13am
Tue, 2014/08/05 - 12:00am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago:
- The paper is full of drum-beating patriotism. Almost every article is about Canadians lining up across the country to serve the Empire.
- Attached here is a little programme on just who's who in the war: