Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sun, 2014/07/27 - 12:00am
Thu, 2014/07/24 - 11:25am
New site updates since the June 28, 2014 update.
This is both a major and a minor update. Minor in the sense that there haven't been any changes to end-user functionality, but major in the sense that a lot of work went into the back-end this month.
Tue, 2014/07/01 - 4:18pm
I admit, I find the six-second video format of Vine really compelling. However I do not like being limited by the Vine app on my phone. But I am not alone in this, and there are plenty of ways of getting around the limits of the apps, which I have now spent the time to embrace.
Tue, 2014/07/01 - 11:56am
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and His Wife Followed by Outbreaks in Many Places
Emperor William to Be Only Sovereign in Attendance at Funeral — General Mourning Throughout Country.
Sat, 2014/06/28 - 5:20pm
A selection of advertisements from the June 28, 1914 edition of The Daily Colonist, Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Sat, 2014/06/28 - 2:28pm
New site updates since the May 29, 2014 update.
This is an important one that you might want to read since some of your settings have changed.
- Not that we have ever spammed, but just to be sure we are meeting the letter of the law with the new anti-spam legislation notification for tagging in the photo gallery and comment notifications have been turned off for everyone. If you want to get notification of tags you'll have to go to your user settings and turn the notifcation on. Likewise if you were following comments on any thread, you'll have to go make a new comment on that thread to resubscribe to it.
Sat, 2014/06/28 - 2:19am
There are undoubtedly a near endless supply of stories out there today about the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the event the sparked the First World War. But what was going on here in the colonies? News took a while to get way out here. What follows is the lead story from the June 28, 1914 edition of The Daily Colonist published in Victoria, British Columbia: